
The following are our new client forms. Different services may require different forms. If you are unsure which form to fill out and have not yet received guidance from the professional with whom you will be working, you may contact us with questions at our Say Hi page. 

Clients who do not fill out their forms ahead of time and who must use appointment time to do so will still be billed at the regular rate for that time, and will not be granted extra time beyond their scheduled time slot for that day, as our time slots need to be available for other scheduled clients. Therefore, it is advantageous to new clients to bring their completed form with them to the first appointment so they can maximize their time with their provider.


therapy & art therapy & mental health clients:

Please fill out the Remix Wellness Center Therapy Client Information and Consent form completely and bring it with you to your first appointment. Your provider will review the information with you, but the form should be filled out by you prior to arrival.

You will also need to fill out an intake form thoroughly, so that we can provide you accurate and adequate care. Most people over the age of 18 will need to complete the Adult Intake Form, while children should work with their guardians as appropriate to fill out the Abbreviated Intake.

Please also print, read and sign the Remix Wellness Center Notice of Privacy Practices HIPAA form, and bring this with you to your appointment. 

*Some adults in special cases may only require the Abbreviated Intake, and some children in special cases may need the full Adult Intake Form, but if these changes are needed, your provider will inform you directly. 


consulting & mindfulness & alternative care clients:

Please read and sign the Remix Wellness Center Consulting and General Client Service Agreement, and bring this with you to your first appointment. 

Please also read and sign Appendix A: Complementary & Alternative Health Care Bill of Rights, and bring this with you to your first appointment.

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